New Year, New Store and New Skin!


Hey y'all! 

It's been a couple of months since I've blogged and shared all of my favorite products with you guys but I'm back and even better for 2020! This year has been off to a great start, I can't believe it's March already, but stay tuned I have so much in store. So, let me first give you guys a little recap on how amazing 2019 was for Lizzie's All-Natural Products. 

In 2019 we launched 3 new products, exceeded all of our financial goals, won awards, launched a new website on Shopify, vended at 50 different events, shipped products internationally to 18 different countries, met and partnered with some pretty DOPE individuals, got our products into 6 new stores, hired our first employee and that was just in 2019 alone. God has definitely been good to me and I'm so thankful for each and every one of you who constantly support, shop, and share my all-natural products with those you know. Lizzie's All-Natural Products wouldn't be possible without loyal customers and I have some of the best. 

Now on to this year and all the current happenings. So, we now have a STORE! It's located in Winston-Salem; NC and our Grand Opening was on February 8th. Opening a store has been one of the biggest goals for me and I did it, we did its guys! So not only can customers shop online but if you're located in Winston-Salem or traveling to NC you have the choice to shop in store. All of our products are available and what’s great about shopping in store is getting to smell all the new scents and test out all of the shea butters and oils. Make sure to spread the word about our store if you're in Winston-Salem and I love meeting customers and seeing new faces so feel free to stop by. Make sure you like our Facebook page "Lizzie's All-Natural Products" too, so that you can stay in the know about our store hours, products, sales, and promotions. 

Now before I go I have to remind you all about the importance of clean, healthy, skin. With it being a new year, it's very common for us to set out new year’s resolutions and goals but we must not forget to take care of our skin and using all natural products is the way to go. Sticking to a consistent skin care regime will bring results. Cleanse, tone, and moisturize are the main 3 steps. I highly recommend our "Raw African Black Soap" for an everyday skin cleanser, and our "You Glow Girl" facial toner and serum to tone and moisturize your skin. And as always stay hydrated! Drinking water helps remove toxins that cause breakouts, keeps the skin well hydrated, and drinking a lot of water helps enhance your skin complexion so your skin will have that GLOW it deserves. 

I look forward to an exciting year with new events, new products, and of course better skin. Take care and make sure to like and comment on any of our blogs! I love the feedback. 


  • Myrtice Hunter

    So I just started using eczema butter on my hands and feet…omg life changing.
    The soap at work strips my hands so bad. When I’m home I make sure to use it on my hands to bring back the moisture. After a few days my hands are baby soft &, smooth.
    Customer for life!

  • Lauren Mitchell

    I’m so very proud of you for opening your store and I’m excited for what God it’s doing for you, your business and family. I love your products!! I always go for Sandy Rose EVERYTHING!! I didn’t know that I could use black soap in my face, I normally just use water or alcohol (if I’ve been in lots of congested areas) but I may have to give it a try one day. Thank you so much for always being away the LHC Game shows too so I can stock up on my Sandy Rose products!

  • Jennifer

    Congratulations! This is awesome that you have all natural products and so close to me. I have never heard of your products and my daughter call from KUWAIT and suggestion I try them. Looking forward to ordering.

  • Brittani Nolan

    Congrats on opening a store!! I am so happy I stopped at your booth last year during an event. I have been a fan every since. My favorite product is the Sandy Rose Shea Butter. Please please please keep making this. :)

  • Ebonee G

    Wow! Congratulations on everything your accomplishing! And thanks for the great skin care tips.

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